Thursday, March 19, 2015

digital photography project

I had a short week last week, and only my second graders visited the STEAM Lab.
I decided to combine my love for photography with my Donors Choose grant digital cameras...
and sent them on a photo scavenger hunt around our school campus. 

My favorites: SHADOWS

Things in the sky:

Lines: zig zag, wavy, straight

The kids amazed me with their perspective and determination with a camera. 
Most had only used an iPod for picture taking.

More pics to come...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

December Engineering Challenge

My favorite thing as a Kinder teacher was studying the gingerbread man and comparing
all the different versions. I didn't want to let go of this December tradition.
So, I gave it a twist and asked the kids:
Would the gingerbread story have a different ending if he had a boat to cross the river?

They had access to these materials and got right to work.

The gingerbread cookie had to fit in the boat. 
The boat had to fit in the "river".
(this is a liner box for a wooden planter)

If the boat made it across safely, they got to eat the safe, dry gingerbread man cookie.
If the boat leaked, I gave them a fresh cookie to eat (nobody likes a soggy cookie!)

Again, I am so lucky to have my own kiddo visit the lab with her class.
She loves it, too!


We were in the local newspaper.
Not a big deal, but still made me smile.

My New Years resolution is to keep this blog updated.
I've found lots of new supporters from Facebook groups...
So, if you are following, please let me know!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

November Engineering

What can you build to keep your turkey safe on Thanksgiving??
Oh, and you can only build with toothpicks and marshmallows!

We had a fun time thinking like engineers!

Friday, November 21, 2014

time for a tour!

While I believe my room environment will be constantly changing, 
we had our official Open House for district and community supporters.
The kids have been using the space for about 9 weeks, but we wanted to 
wait for the unveiling until all details were ready!

Here is the front board. STEAM Lab sign canvases. I love way they turned out.
The clipboards have address labels with each "center" that is open each day. 
When the kids complete work in each area, they put a label in their STEAM journals.

The Writing Center has taken the most changes since we started.
It started as a teeny table for two...but, it is one of the most popular
places to work. So, we doubled the size and now 8 kids are able to sit and write together.

Light table.
All manipulative are under the table.
The canvas was painted by me and my daughter.
I love it.

 The windows aren't 100% done, but we wanted something to help cover up the
hideous windows. Each child painted a tag and they are hung with fishing line. 
I have 345 kids a week! That's a lot of tags!

I am looking for a new water/sand table.
The kids love kinetic sand. 
I do not love the sandbox and the mess.

Loose parts and other table activities.

Happy that my slanted easel wall is now actually a working easel.

 Science counter/Aquarium

Classroom library

The Art Gallery is my favorite.
Collection of random white frames, no backing or glass. 
Kids artwork stapled to board.
Makes me smile.

The newly installed magnetic wall, and our light up "museum" table.
This is a "look but don't touch" area where we can display special treasures.
Right now our marshmallow/toothpick challenge is there.


This city scape light from IKEA was calling my name.

This is back of room looking towards the front of the school.

 same shot

View from front, looking back..
 another front to back view.

We had a great Open House. I am so proud of this space, and being able to give it to our students.
I am the luckiest!